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06/03/24 | Interview
CBS News
Jonathan Haidt on "The Anxious Generation," how kids are growing up in the smartphone era

04/14/24 | Interview
How to give kids autonomy? 'Anxious Generation' author says a license to roam helps

03/28/24 | Interview
Here's when a social psychologist recommends letting your child use smartphones and social media

03/26/2024 | Interview with Jon Haidt
Good Morning America
Jon Haidt talks new book, ‘The Anxious Generation’

03/24/2024 | Interview with Zach Rausch
Zeit Online
Are Smartphones causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness?

03/24/24 | Book Review
The Wall Street Journal
‘The Anxious Generation’ Review: Apps, Angst and Adolescence

03/23/2024 | Book Review
New York Times
First He Came for Cancel Culture. Now He Wants to Cancel Smartphones

03/14/24 | Book Review
The Times
The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt review — ban smartphones for children